Were There Any Guests Here?

Next to the stationery store was a clothing store, only fifty to sixty square meters. It sold young people's clothes, men's and women's, but the style was not very good. The clothes were very cheap, the price of which were seldom marked over one hundred yuan. The T-shirts and shirts of boys' style even cost 39 yuan each.

He Xiyan looked at these clothes in surprise and then touched them, the quality of which was really not so good. However, they were indeed unexpectedly cheap. After all, in her impression, it was 2022 now. Even if they were poor quality, a suit of clothes would cost at least hundreds of yuan.

She flipped over the clothes and finally chose a blue T-shirt and a white shirt, all men's.

She took the clothes and compared them with Chen Jiahang. He was in excellent shape. As long as the shirts were not short, they would match him well.

Seeing that she was actually buying clothes for him, Chen Jiahang hurriedly shook his hands and stood aside.