He Cared for Her the Most

He scooped a portion of pork ribs soup, then scooped up a tiny bit of soup with a soup and carefully brought it to her lips.

He Xiyan turned away and shook her head.

"I'm not hungry. Jiahang, you should keep this for yourself."

She didn't feel like eating, neither did she have any appetite. 

Chen Jiahang took out his notebook and wrote, "Yan Yan, you have to eat more in order to get better. Eat up, won't you?"

If she didn't eat, he wouldn't either.

Since she couldn't change his mind, she could only finish the food that he pushed toward her. Then, she pointed at the dishes on the table.

These were all the dishes that he had ordered outside and she guessed that he must have spent quite a bit.

They didn't have much money, so they could not afford to let this food go to waste.

"Jiahang, you should have some too," she said.