A Motherless Child

In a luxurious castle, a man who was eating dinner in the dining hall immediately put his chopsticks aside when he heard his child cry.

Ye Hao rushed out of the dining hall.

"What's wrong with her?" he asked the nanny who was trying to calm the child down and he looked at the nanny reproachfully. Then, he bent down and pulled Xi Xi who was crying very loudly into his arms. 

The nanny became very nervous when she noticed that Ye Hao seemed a little annoyed.

It hadn't been easy for her to land this job at the castle and she didn't want to lose it.

"Mr. Ye, I let your daughter stand by herself for a while and wanted her to learn how to walk on her own but she started to cry the moment I let go," she said nervously. Then, she looked apologetically at Ye Hao, afraid that he would admonish her for her actions.