She Felt Heartaches At His Silliness

Upon returning home, He Xiyan smelled Chinese medicine, which was quite pungent.

The strong smell made her nose uncomfortable.

Over the past two months, she took Chinese medicine everyday, more than thirty sets in total, which spoiled her appetite much.

Seeing her back, Chen Jiahang quickly brought out the medicine he had just boiled, scooped a spoonful of brown sugar and put it in.

He knew she didn't like eating medicine, but she had to, because the doctor had said that she could only get better after taking the medicine.

He pulled her to the table, where there was a small plate of fruit pieces besides a bowl of pungent Chinese medicine. The fruit was fresh, which he bought at the fruit store downstairs when he came back.

"Take the medicine, Yanyan." Chen Jiahang said in lip language.

He Xiyan now could understand his lip language, so they could communicate with each other well rather than through writing.