If She Were Still Alive

Ye Hao did not understand what the fortune-teller meant at all. He frowned, eyes full of doubts, because he could not even figure out what was there among his words.

"What do you mean?" He asked nervously. What was "she'd better died"? 

Was there anything worse than that?

Again, the old man shook his head with regret and said, "Besides threatening her parents' and siblings' lives, this woman also did harm to her own children. According to the prediction of her destiny, she should have two children in her life, two young children. If this missing woman is still alive, she would cost the lifespan of her own children. That is to say, if she survives this time, she will enjoy a long life span, but one of her two children will not be able to live past three years old."

The old man said, somewhat emotionally. After that, he leaned back in his chair, looking extremely bad.

He seemed to be frightened by the fate he foretold according to the birth date.