Ye Snr.'s Illness Relapsed (2)

Xia Jingshu shook her head sadly. She knew exactly how bad her husband's condition was and ever since the first half of the year, his health had rapidly deteriorated every day. He was only still alive because he had taken the most expensive imported medication around, and this also gave the illusion that he looked healthy when in fact, he was already on the brink of death.

A doctor walked out from the consultation room and he looked at Xia Jingshu, then at Ye Hao before he said, "You must be the patient's family."

The doctor stated the obvious. His expression seemed serious and looked a little grim.

Xia Jingshu said, "Yes, I am."

The doctor continued, "You must be prepared for the worst. The outlook for Ye Snr. doesn't seem so good. His cancer has already spread across his entire body and his heart is also starting to fail. A heart specialist is performing an emergency consultation at the moment."