New Life

At this time, in a town more than 2,000 kilometers away, He Xiyan, who was counting goods on a truck, sneezed several times.

"What's wrong? Yanyan, did you catch a cold?" Chen Jiahang asked with concern. They had been stocking up these days, which was indeed really tiring.

He Xiyan shook her head and said, "I'm fine, Jiahang. Maybe someone is talking about me behind my back."

Old people always said that one would sneeze when one was talked about behind his or her back. She did not have a cold.

Chen Jiahang took off his coat and draped it over her.

"Take a rest. I'll do that."

Chen Jiahang snatched the book from He Xiyan's hand. Then he counted the rest goods, affixed the labels and registered them well.