Came Back Home At Last

The next morning, He Xiyan and Li Yue were awakened by the bedside alarm. He Xiyan immediately got up to wash and pack up her luggage. Li Yue, however, turned in bed reluctantly several times before slowly climbing up, and then spent a long time washing face and brushing teeth.

It seemed that she still didn't want to go.

He Xiyan had no choice but to wait for her to finish all this and then leave together. They booked the flight at 9:10. It would take them more than an hour to cover the distance between the hotel to the airport, so they had to hurry up in case they missed the flight.

"Ms. Li, hurry up. It's already half past seven." He Xiyan urged.

She was completely occupied by the thought of going home now.

Li Yue was at the moment packing up her luggage. She did not like to tidy up, and her things were always scattered casually. At this time she was still looking for her lipstick everywhere, and it took her a lot of time to find it.