He Did Not Want It

"Jiahang..." He Xiyan looked at Jiahang who was standing aside without commenting. He frowned, with no expectation or joy perceivable on his face.

He Xiyan was stunned.

Didn't he like this child?

Aunt Wang smiled and went over, patting Chen Jiahang on the shoulder. "Jiahang, if you want to raise this child, would you nod your head?"

He Xiyan raised her head, looking at Jiahang with expectation. She even pulled his cuff, motioning him to nod. She liked this child very much, and now that their living conditions had improved a lot, so there was no problem to adopt a child.

"Jiahang, nod." Seeing him not responding, He Xiyan patted him anxiously.

But she just patted once before her hand was pulled by Chen Jiahang, and then he pulled her into their bedroom.

(He Xiyan)...

He Xiyan looked at him somewhat doubtfully. At this point, she found that he took out the paper and pen out of the drawer and wrote quickly in his notebook.