Why Didn't She Run Away?

Mo Yixuan's eyes narrowed in displeasure and his lips curved in the perfect angle to show off his derisive smirk.

"Answer my question and I'll give you another $50,000," he said coldly.

He had already seen through this man's intentions and knew that he was all about the money. This man would do anything and tell him anything he wanted to know as long as he threw enough money at him.

As expected, Wang Zhi relaxed the moment he heard that he could earn another $50,000. He could only see the dollar signs swimming in front of his eyes and no longer cared about his secrets being revealed.

He paused for a moment before he said, "Chen Yan was brought over by Brother Hui to Mang Village in March 2022 to be sold and Chen Jiahang bought her for $50,000. This was how she came to be Chen Jiahang's wife."