Please Wish Us Well

"Mr. Mo, I don't care what kind of relationship we used to have in the past. We might have been lovers or something else altogether but now, all I want to do with to be with Jiahang. Moreover, I've already been living together with him for the past three years. Please don't think of me as your fiancée anymore and treat her as though she is already gone," He Xiyan said seriously. 

She didn't look emotional at all but instead she seemed a little apologetic. She was surprised when he said that she was his fiancée but she wasn't about to change her mind because of his words. Moreover, she knew that this man did not love his fiancée as much as he claimed he did or he wouldn't have brought another woman to a hotel. She guessed that he must currently have a girlfriend and since he had a girlfriend, he should just think of it as though they had already broken up.