Was Mom Really Here?

The car eventually stopped at a place which seemed strange to Yuanyuan. There were many mountains, farmland and some small houses he had never seen before.

Could people live in such a house?

Yuanyuan looked at this unfamiliar and strange place with eyes wide open.

Mo Yixuan took the child out of the car.

"Yuanyuan, remember what I have told you in the car?" He patted the child on the shoulder and said with a smile.

Yuanyuan nodded to his dad, but he was still puzzled, feeling quite weird.

"Dad, is mom really in this small village?" Looking around, Yuanyuan felt this place quite unfamiliar with him.

Mo Yixuan raised his lip corner slightly, and his rare gentle smile was like the sunshine in winter. Only when looking at his child could he smile so brilliantly.