Ye Ye Is My Elder Brother

He Xiyan had been listening to Yuan Yuan's and the other boy's conversation and she heard Yuan Yuan call the boy 'Ye Ye'. 

From their conversation, she deduced that Ye Ye seemed to live together with Yuan Yuan.

"Yuan Yuan…" she said as she stretched out to pat his shoulder and pull him into her arms. Was this child upset because his pet goldfish had died?

"Yuan Yuan, who are you talking to? Do you have an older or a younger brother?" He Xiyan asked. She could tell that the person on the other end of the line was a small boy.

Yuan Yuan sniffled and he didn't look as cheery as he did before. Instead, he looked a little upset.

"Ye Ye is my older brother," he said in a soft voice. Then, he put his phone back in his backpack.

"Older brother?" she repeated in surprise and her hands subconsciously clenched. Her eyes were full of astonishment and her shock was reflected on her face.