They Weren't Sleeping Together

Han Xue said agitatedly, "Look at that photograph. It clearly shows He Xiyan bringing Yuan Yuan to the diagnostic lab, so she's obviously doing a DNA test. Once she finds out that Yuan Yuan is her son, the possibility of her returning to Ye City is extremely high for the sake of her son."

"Mom, she'll be back," Han Xue grew more agitated and worried as she spoke. She knew how important a child was to a mother and once He Xiyan returned to Ye City, there was a high possibility that Ye Hao would find out that she was still alive even if she had amnesia. 

Han Qing poured a glass of water for her daughter and told her daughter to calm down.

She pulled her daughter over to the bedside and said in a low whisper, "Xiao Xue, please remain calm. You're Ye Hao's lawful spouse and you're legally wedded to him. He Xiyan wouldn't be able to get back with Ye Hao even if she reappeared. If she dared to come between you and Ye Hao, she would be a homewrecker."