A Strange Place

A ray of dazzling sunshine sprinkled into a bedroom through the gap of the curtain. He Xiyan, who had been sleeping for 14 hours, finally moved her hand a little. She rubbed her sleepy eyes and slowly opened them. At this time, something unfamiliar fell into her eyes.

Where was this? He Xiyan sat up on the edge of the bed. Soon, she saw something familiar as well as unfamiliar to her in the room, light grey bed, carpet, white wardrobe, desk as well as some ordinary sketches and pencil drawings on the wall.

"You wake up?"

Then a strange voice came from the door.

He Xiyan turned her head and saw a woman she had never seen before. The woman was about fifty years old and looked slightly fat. She had a glass of milk in her hand at the moment, together with a bowl of noodles and a small bowl of millet porridge.

The woman put them all on the white desk and turned to go out.