He Was Different

She tried to stop several cars, but only to find that drivers all shook their hands. Those taxis, however, were all occupied.

He Xiyan had no choice but to click on a certain online car hailing app on her mobile phone. In fact, it was not safe to hail a car on online app in the evening, but they really couldn't stop one.

"Jiahang, where is your friend's address?" He Xiyan turned to look at Jiahang, finding that Jiahang had been looking at the direction of the airport, his eyes fixed.

She looked at the same direction and saw that he was looking at a girl in her twenties. Because of the distance, she could not see the girl's face clearly, only knowing that she was beautiful with long brown curly hair draping over her waist like seaweed. The girl was very tall, probably 1.75 meters by visual measurement.

Well, did Jiahang know this girl?