Gu Family

He Xiyan read these reports one by one. She sat at the head of the bed frowning, looking quite restless. She was very happy that Jiahang had such a good family background and was also glad that he could restore his memory. In this way, his relatives would be very excited and joyful. But she suddenly became somewhat worried. What kind of identity would she claim when she meets his family? 

The next day, He Xiyan went in a taxi with Jiahang again. After Jiahang gave an address, the car drove to the west of Jingzhou. Without saying anything along the way, He Xiyan simply looked out of the window and looked at the city she had never been to before. She grasped her fingers, and somehow she had an impulse to get off.

Noticing some subtle expressions of He Xiyan, Chen Jiahang held her hand tightly and then pulled her into his arms. "It's all right, Yanyan. We will arrive soon."