His Sister Pushed Him

Xia Jingshu couldn't express how terrible she felt. She felt equally worried about how much her granddaughter had changed.

"Mom…" Han Xue froze for a moment and a barely perceptible look of disgust crossed her eyes as she replied with a smile, "Mom, don't worry. After all, Xi Xi is my child too." 

She said words that she didn't mean. She hated this little brat. If this brat was a well-behaved girl, she might have taken her under her wing but this little brat was constantly contradicting her, so she was hopping mad with rage. 

Suddenly, their chat was interrupted by the sound of a child howling loudly.

Han Xue's eyes widened and rushed out immediately when she heard the child cry. She recognized this voice as her son's.

Ye Chenyu sat in front of the spiral staircase and his body was slumped over as though he was injured. His forehead was completely red and there was a small abrasion mark left on his forehead.