He Will Protect His Mother in the Future

She didn't expect them to suddenly pay a visit, neither did she expect them to run into Yuan Yuan. 

Yang Yun didn't respond. Her face that had been pale earlier was now completely flushed red and even her neck was flushed red. 

She placed a hand over her heart where she could a dull ache inside. He Xiyan's words earlier were like ropes that tightened around her heart and she was in such pain that her breathing quickened.

She didn't look at her so-called daughter-in-law for she was afraid that she would end up saying something even worse. 

Gu Lin noticed that her aunt looked like she was in a bad shape and quickly stroked her back.

"Lin Lin…" Yang Yun suddenly gripped her niece's hand and said in irritation, "Help me out to get some air. This house is way too stuffy." Yang Yun started to feel breathless.