His Choice

Yang Yun and Gu Lin sat in a small pavilion in a residential area. They had already been chatting for a long while but they still looked very upset, especially Yang Yun who tried her best to conceal how upset she was feeling but her annoyance and irritation were still clearly reflected on her face. 

"Shaoqian..." Yang Yun couldn't help but snap at her son when she saw him. "What were you thinking? How could you think of concealing the fact that she had a child from me?"

Yang Yun frowned and her annoyance and anger were clearly reflected in her eyes. She couldn't bring herself to accept this fact. 

Chen Jiahang pulled his mother to sit on a wooden bench and he saw how unhappy his mother was but this wouldn't affect his decision. 

"Mom, this was my fault. I should have informed you and dad sooner," he said.