An Excuse and an Olive Branch

They looked at her calmly and they didn't reveal their thoughts on their faces. 

He Xiyan took her seat. She didn't sit next to Chen Jiahang but instead chose to sit next to Yuan Yuan. She picked up a pair of chopsticks and put some food into Yuan Yuan's bowl.

"Thanks, mom!" Yuan Yuan thanked her with a smile.

He Xiyan nodded her head and patted her son's narrow shoulders.

Gu Lin looked over and she smiled strangely at He Xiyan and said, "I'm really sorry about what happened earlier. My aunt wasn't feeling well so we went out to catch some fresh air."

She tried to explain their earlier actions with a smile but it was obvious that she was giving an excuse for her earlier actions.

Rather than an excuse, this was more like an olive branch.

"It's alright…" He Xiyan replied with an awkward smile.