She Was Beaten

Han Qing couldn't believe what she was hearing and stared at Xi Xi angrily. She didn't know how to respond so she headed up to the second floor to look for Xi Xi's grandmother Xia Jingshu.

Xia Jingshu was so enraged when she heard about what had happened from Han Qing that she could have fainted on the spot.

"She has truly gone too far," she huffed angrily and gestured for her nurse to wheel her downstairs.

Xi Xi was still yelling at Han Xue downstairs, "Get out of here, do you understand? This house belongs to me!" 

"Xi Xi...what are you saying?" Xia Jingshu was extremely angry and wondered when her granddaughter would learn how to behave herself.

Xi Xi turned to look at her grandmother and there was no fear in her eyes as she said angrily, "Grandma, my father already told me that the castle is mine. I don't want Aunty Han and Ye Chenyu to continue staying here." Her soft cheeks were flushed red.