Ghost In The Daytime?

The next evening, a blue taxi stopped at the gate of Ye castle.

He Xiyan, wearing a red and yellow knitted dress and a pair of brown high-heeled boots, came down from the car. She just had her hair done at the hairdresser's. Her shoulder length hair had been permed into a pear blossom roll, looking delicate and refreshed. She even spent nearly an hour putting on makeup today. She seldom wore heavy makeup, but today, she put on bright lipstick and light blue eyeshadow. Such makeup covered the haggardness and weariness on her face, making her a little more attractive despite her ordinary look.

He Xiyan stood outside the iron gate of the castle. Through the gap of the iron gate, she could see the appearance of the house completely, just the same as before, the time she lived here. However, cassia bark tree in the front yard grew a little taller and there was one more fountain on the left side of the yard.