Xi Xi Doesn't Have a Brother (2)

He Xiyan cooked two eggs after they had dinner and wrapped the two eggs in disposable gloves. She placed Xi Xi on her lap and gently rubbed the egg on her face that was still slightly swollen.

"My dear girl, the eggs are still a little warm, so please try not to move around too much," she soothed her daughter as she tried to bring down the swelling. Thankfully, there was only slight swelling so it wasn't very serious. Otherwise, she would have to take anti-inflammatory drugs.

She hated Han Xue for doing this to her little girl who was only three years old. How could she treat this young girl so harshly? 

Xi Xi laid quietly in her mother's arms and stopped moving. Her face burned and it felt as though it was on fire. She bit her lip and clenched her fists tightly as she tolerated the discomfort that the egg-rub was giving her.