She Was Suing Him

The uniformed female official knocked on the door to Ye Hao's office.

Ye Hao looked at the doorway and frowned when he saw that his visitors were wearing the uniform that marked them out as court officials. He seemed very confused.

"Is something the matter?" he asked. He did not recall ever having any interaction with the court.

The two female officials entered his office and one of them handed a document to Ye Hao.

"Hello, Mr. Ye. We've come to inform you that your ex-wife Ms. He Xiyan had already initiated the proceedings to sue you in court. She wants to obtain custody of the daughter she had with you, Ye Zixi. This is the document from the courts for your review and we also hope that you'd be able to make preparations for the court proceedings in the stipulated time frame," she said gravely. 

They told him what they were here for.