Does He Treat You Well?

"Did he really say that?" He Xiyan said as she looked at her sister. She was still a little worried because she knew how difficult it would be for her to win the case even though she had already lodged an appeal.

Shu Man took her sister's hand in hers. Her sister's hand was very cold and it felt like ice in her hands. 

"Don't worry, he will definitely keep to his word," Shu Man said. She had faith in her boyfriend.

He Xiyan nodded. She looked around the house but did not see Su Ye anywhere. This house seemed completely empty with the exception of Shu Man.

"Where is he? Doesn't he live with you?" she asked. 

"He's in Europe and will return in five days. Sis, don't think too much into this. Get the documentation ready and we will go over to the courts to be with you when the court session opens," Shu Man said as she held her sister's hand tightly. She knew what her sister was worried about.