You Should Head Back

Chen Jiahang felt as though his heart was being torn apart. He couldn't believe that Yan Yan's experiences had caused her not to place her trust in anyone else, including him.

He Xiyan rose to her feet and picked up her bag. Her face looked slightly flushed under the light because she was feeling emotional and a little sad.

"Jiahang…" He Xiyan said as she patted his shoulder. Then, she heaved a loud sigh and said, 'You should head back and start life anew with your ex-girlfriend. She is the woman who is most suited for you. There's no need to worry about me. I've tried to kill myself once so I wouldn't make the same mistake again. All I want is to live with my two children and raise them well. I don't have faith in love any longer."

He Xiyan turned away and walked out of the restaurant without a second's hesitation.

She knew that Jiahang was just behind her but she didn't turn back.