She Was Questioned at the Police Station

Han Xue was brought to the police station and two experienced police officers sat across her. One of the police officers was tasked with questioning her while the other was in charge of taking minutes. 

Han Xue kept telling herself over and over again not to be nervous or afraid as she tried her best to tamp down her fear but she couldn't stop her fingers from shaking and a layer of cold sweat had formed on her palms. 

"Madam Ye, we'd like to ask you some questions and we hope that you'll be able to cooperate fully with us," the police officer said politely and even brewed a cup of tea for her. 

Han Xue took a deep breath. 

"Feel free to ask me anything," she said. 

"What kind of person did Wang Lan seem to you?" The police officer started off calmly. Then, he looked at Han Xue and watched for any changes in her expression.