Don't Think Too Much

Yuan Yuan pulled up the blankets and tried to tuck his father into bed but he wasn't strong enough and failed to pull up his blanket. 

He Xiyan walked to his bedside, reached out, and helped Mo Yixuan pull up his blankets. 

Then, suddenly, someone reached out to grab her hand. 

He Xiyan frowned at this sudden touch. 

"Mo Yixuan..." she said and there was a touch of displeasure on her face. 

She hated how he would always try to get all handsy with her. 

Mo Yixuan held her hand tightly and his heart suddenly trembled at her familiar warmth. It had been such a long time since he had last held her this way. 

"Yan Yan...thank you," he said gravely with a small smile on his face. His eyes soon brimmed with unshed tears. 

He knew that she found him annoying and probably even hated him, so he was surprised that she was willing to stay and look after him along with Yuan Yuan. 

He Xiyan frowned and quickly looked away.