She Would Not Divorce Him

Han Qing was livid.

How could that ungrateful bastard Ye Hao even mention divorcing her daughter during this sensitive time and even got to the courts to file for a divorce?

Xia Jingshu kept sighing. She felt extremely upset and annoyed at the thoughts of how chaotic things seemed within the household at the moment.

"Please take a seat," she said as she pointed to a chair nearby and motioned for Han Qing to sit.

However, Han Qing was so angry that she refused to sit. She stuck her hands on her hips and paced around the main hall.

"Let me make this clear, she will not divorce him. Don't you dare think that Xiao Xue is a pushover. How could he marry her in order to acknowledge his child then turn around and divorce her after her child has adopted his last name? He must be dreaming if he thinks that he'll be able to divorce her!" Han Qing yelled angrily. Her voice was so loud that everyone at home could hear her.