The Narcissistic Xi Xi

He Xiyan returned to the castle carrying shopping bags of various sizes. She had bought paintbrushes and fairy tale books for Yuan Yuan and dresses and shoes for Xi Xi.

Xi Xi loved dressing herself up and she wanted to wear new clothes almost every other day. Many times, she would refuse to wear the same item more than two or three times because she would claim that the clothes were ugly or that they were out of date.

He Xiyan couldn't do anything to change her daughter's mind. She later found out from Qin Xiaoyu that Xi Xi was given a new set of clothes every day since she turned three years old and Ye Hao doted on his daughter so much that he would ask the maids at home to buy clothes for his daughter. They would buy several pieces at once.

Xi Xi had already gotten used to getting rid of her clothes after wearing them once or twice.

Obviously, the clothes that she refused to wear were not discarded but donated to the poor living in the mountains.