She Was Going for an Interview

In the morning, the first rays of light carefully lit up the light blue skies and a new day gradually dawned.

Soon, a cool breeze swept into a room that had a dreamy decor and awakened the woman who slept soundly on the bed.

Han Xue stretched before she rolled out of bed. She looked at the European-style clock on the wall which showed that it was 7 AM in the morning.

She quickly washed her face, put on her makeup, and changed her clothes. In a matter of 30 minutes, she had transformed into a beautiful and elegant lady.

She wore a soft yellow dress that was made from high-quality organza silk that set off her fair skin.

It had been five days since her suicide attempt and her body had gradually recovered. Her complexion had also improved and she no longer looked as pale as she did before.

She carried a small, black leather clutch as she strode down the stairs and entered the dining hall where she saw her husband Ye Hao.