Let's Avoid Contacting Each Other for a Week

Han Xue's voice sounded hoarse when she spoke to Ye Yi. Although she didn't understand him, this was the only man she could trust and rely on at the moment, so she was left with no choice.

Ye Yi coughed softly before he said calmly, "Alright, I understand. Where are you right now?"

Han Xue said, "I just checked into a hotel and this is the reason that I managed to find an opportunity to contact you. Ye Yi, I'm guessing that Ye Hao would definitely apply for a divorce. Even if I refuse to grant him a divorce, he would head to the courts to request for them to grant him a divorce and this time, I can't pretend to commit suicide again. He wouldn't care even if I actually killed myself and the police might think that I committed suicide as an indirect admission of my guilt. I really don't know what I can do right now. I can't even go home. Could you help me arrange for a place to stay?"