Another Round of Questioning

Three hours later, two police cars drove toward the residential area located along the Namu River of Ye City. 

Seven or eight police officers jumped out of the car and walked up to a mansion.

The person who met them at the door was a pregnant lady who was about to give birth anytime. She was 38 weeks pregnant and her name was Dai Manni. She was Ye Yi's wife and they had been married for around seven or eight years. She had always been trying but failing to get pregnant. This was her third attempt at making a child through in-vitro fertilization.

Her belly was very swollen but her figure was still very slender, so she didn't seem chubby at all. 

She placed both arms at her hips and seemed very surprised to see the police officers at her doorstep. She frowned as she asked, "May I know what's the purpose of your visit?" A flash of confusion and surprise crossed her eyes.

"Hello, could you please let us know if Ye Yi lives here?" a police officer said.