That Was The Motive

Han Xue was stunned. Her eyes suddenly opened wide, not believing that the police officer should ask this question.

Only now did she realize that the police knew everything and that they had also found out Little Yu's identity. Did Wang Lan really leave…?

"Han Xue..." The policewoman's voice suddenly softened a little and said, "just speak out honestly. I'm tired of interrogating you again and again and so are you. We already have evidence. If you don't tell the truth, you will only take Ye Yi' crime on yourself. You have to think well over it. "

"In fact, you didn't commit the crime in person. It is Ye Yi who arranged it. Then why don't you want to say it?"

The police officer went to Han Xue and put one hand on her shoulder.

Han Xue shivered instinctively.