She Met Lin Ziya Again

Three days later.

Early in the morning, He Xiyan had breakfast with her children before she sent them to school.

Yuan Yuan and Xi Xi noticed that their mother seemed unhappy. Their mother, who always had a smile on her face, had a grave expression for the past few days and would often stare blankly into space.

"Mom, what's wrong?" Yuan Yuan asked. He thought that his mother appeareda little sickly.

He Xiyan turned to look at her son and pasted a smile on her face.

"I'm fine, Yuan Yuan…" she responded. 

Although she kept telling herself not to worry, she couldn't help but feel worried and afraid. 

She felt like those youths who had discovered acute symptoms after participating in high-risk activities but who still had to wait for their diagnosis because the incubation period was not over. Anyone would be terrified when faced with the possibility of being sick.