Return to Mang Village (2)

He Xiyan took a deep breath. She was very nervous but she couldn't explain why she felt so nervous.

She walked very slowly and took more than 10 minutes to cover the short distance of approximately 200 meters to arrive at the door of the mud-brick house. 

She knew this house very well and even remembered the location of every stalk of grass and potholes on the ground.

The door was closed but she could see a sliver of light from the crack of the door.

She could also smell the fragrant scent of cooked food and she guessed he was cooking chicken.

She raised her right hand to knock on the door but she immediately pulled back as though she had been struck by lightning just before she was about to touch the door. Then, she stretched out her hand again and after repeating the motion three times, she finally gently tapped on the door.

"Who's there?" 

Soon, she heard a deep and masculine voice ring out from the house.