She Cried

In a quiet village.

The only sounds that could be heard at night were the occasional birds chirping and the frogs croaking. The bustling sounds of the city were nowhere to be heard.

He Xiyan slept on the large bed that she used to sleep on. Jiahang had bought this bed when she first arrived at Mang Village.

This was the bed she slept on when she first arrived at Mang Village. 

The bed was still the same and she was even familiar with the smell from the blanket.

The last time she had laid in this bed was more than three months ago.

It had only been 100 days but things had completely changed.

She didn't know whether she'd return to this village in the future and whether she would still see the villagers and friends she made in this village but she knew that this was the last time she would spend such a quiet night here.