They Sat in the Same Car

He Xiyan refused to speak to him the entire time she was driving. She gripped the driving wheel tightly and didn't even turn back to glance at him, even though she knew that he was not faking his injury and that his arm was probably fractured

Ming City was more than 500 kilometers away and it was a five to six-hour journey by car. She didn't even stop to eat or to use the toilet. The only time she stopped was to spend 200 dollars on gas at the gas station before she continued to drive toward Ming City.

Ye Hao had a rather self-inflated ego and he interpreted Yan Yan's actions as her being concerned about him, which was why she drove so quickly to send him to Ming City's hospital without even stopping for a break.

"Yan Yan, are you hungry?" Ye Hao asked during the midway point of the journey.

"I'm okay. It's just a minor injury, so I'll be able to bear with the pain. Let's find something to eat," he added.