If He Could Turn Back Time

It was already past 9 PM by the time He Xiyan returned for the castle and Xi Xi and Yuan Yuan has already turned in for the night. 

The castle was very quiet and it was so quiet that the sound of a pin dropping could be heard. 

He Xiyan drank a calming tonic. She had felt very lethargic recently and she didn't have a good night's sleep for the longest time. This was a tonic prescribed by the doctor and she had been told to drink one serving each day before she slept. 

She laid in bed after she finished the tonic but the tonic didn't seem to be very effective. She was still finding it hard to sleep and her mind ran wild with thoughts that upset her. 

Her phone suddenly beeped with a message. 

It was from Ye Hao. She had added both Mo Yixuan and Ye Hao back on WeChat since they were the fathers of her children, so she couldn't possibly cut off all contact with them. 

"Yan Yan, are you sleeping?" He asked.