The Blood on the Knife Was Hers

He Xiyan followed Xia Yuwei to a cafe located on the first level of the mall.

She walked several meters behind Xia Yuwei because she didn't want to get close to her.

Xia Yuwei smiled wryly and she sensed that He Xiyan was afraid of her.

What could she be afraid of? Was she afraid that she would be infected?

"Don't worry. I'm taking the best medication and the chance of me being a carrier was at 0% several years ago, so there's no need to worry," Xia Yuwei said softly. She had been terrified when she first discovered that she was HIV positive and she felt that the entire world was bleak but she had slowly pulled herself out of her depressed state. She took her medicine every day as instructed and actively sought treatment for her illness. Her CD4 was constantly above 500, so she was as healthy as any other ordinary person.

He Xiyan didn't respond but her brows still remained tightly knitted.

Soon, they arrived at a private room.