Some Girl Was Calling You

Lin Ziya wanted to go more quickly. However, the road was not smooth with many . What was worse, she wore a pair of high-heel shoes. Even if she wanted to walk faster, she could not.

She then saw a tall back standing there, which looked like Shaoqian's, about one hundred meters away from her.

"Shao... Jiahang!" Lin Ziya shouted, not used to his original name yet.

Chen Jiahang was now talking with Uncle Chen working in the pig farm. They two stood in the middle of a lawn. Uncle Chen also had a cigarette in his mouth.

"Jiahang, a girl behind seems to be calling you." Uncle Chen reminded.

"A girl?"

Chen Jiahang frowned, a touch of doubts flashing through his eyes. Turning around, he looked at the path forward and then beheld the figure once familiar to him.

How come she was here?

Chen Jiahang was stunned, feeling it a great surprise that Ziya should find him here.