I Could Not Give You What You Wanted

He just watched her drink the soup he made, which he spent the whole afternoon cooking. In order to cook the soup well, he even watched the video several times.

He Xiyan finished that bowl of soup, and then had a small bowl of millet porridge.

She couldn't eat spicy food now, nor could she eat anything that was not conducive to wound recovery, so she could only eat these light things.

After finishing, He Xiyan stood up and turned to look at Ye Hao, looking at his smiling face.

She didn't know if he was stupid. Now every time she saw him, he was smiling.

"Come with me to the living room on the second floor." He Xiyan said in a deep voice.

She actually knew that the soup was made by this man, even though he didn't say that himself.

Ye Hao turned around, walking after He Xiyan just like a follower.

Then they came to the living room on the second floor.