He Had Learned How to Cook

Mo Yixuan smiled tenderly at her, and he would only smile so tenderly at the person he loved.

"Yan Yan, you should head to the living room to rest while I cook," he said.

"You're going to cook?" He Xiyan froze and looked at him in confusion.

She was clearly surprised and shocked by his words.

This man didn't even how to cook fried rice, so how was he going to produce an entire meal?

Did hell freeze over today? 

Mo Yixuan pursed his lips and his dimples briefly appeared because he had lost so much weight. This made him look much friendlier than usual.

"Yes. I'll head inside to cook. You should rest in the main hall with Yuan Yuan," Mo Yixuan said with a nod. He sounded very friendly and his gaze seemed much softer. He wasn't as aloof as before either.

Then, he turned and walked into the kitchen.