This Girl Could Not Go

"Mom, what is this?" Xixi widened her amber eyes. What was this? Was that edible?

He Xiyan said thanks to her aunt again.

When she was a child, she remembered, her aunt saw her as if she had seen the God of plague.

When she was eight years old, she once played in her aunt's house. Because she was hungry, she ate several Artemisia pancakes left by her aunts in the cupboard for her son. That time her aunt scolded her to death, saying that she was a thief at a young age to steal food, saying that she was poorly educated. She even asked her parents over, saying that she didn't learn well and her conduct was not wrong.

From then on, she had never wanted to eat anything made by her aunt until now.

He Xiyan didn't know that these bad memories would stay in her mind all this time. In fact, she would rather not remember them, only preserving hope that these relatives were kind and loving.