She Would Pick the Bones

Soon, they had already halfway through the digging process and the red lid of the coffin could be seen. 

He Xiyan stood in front of the grave and placed a hand over her chest. She felt as though her heart was about to burst out of her chest. 

Yuan Yuan helped to support his mother. He was afraid that his mother would faint from her sorrow. 

He was not afraid of the coffin being opened since he did not believe in ghosts and otherworldly beings. 

"Please be careful not to damage the coffin," He Xiyan said hoarsely. 

It was considered bad luck if the ax were to hit the coffin when they were digging up the coffin, signifying bad luck for the gravediggers. 

These men were professional grave diggers, so they would not commit such an amateur mistake. 

They finished digging up the grave 30 minutes later and He Xiyan saw the bright red coffin in its entirety.