It Was Because He Had Come

Xi Xi who was near the graveyard used a pair of binoculars to look at the highway in the distance. She ran to the nearby road when she spotted a familiar car making its way over.

Ye Hao immediately rushed over from Lin City after he received a call from his daughter. Xi Xi had informed him that her grandmother did not decompose and was now a zombie. She also told him that Yan Yan had a mental breakdown.

This wasn't Ye Hao's first time visiting the village. He still remembered coming to this place 10 years ago with Yan Yan to pay his respects to her parents. Yan Yan had not mentioned this odd custom of having to shift her parents' graves when he had visited the previous time.

"Dad…" Xi Xi said as she tucked her hand through his arm.

Xi Xi looked very haggard and her dark circles were so obvious that they looked like they had been drawn on.