It Was She Who Shot

Less than half an hour after the shooting, hundreds of news reports had appeared on the Internet, together with several hundred photos, which aroused public heated discussion for a while, making the whole network boiling.

---- Ye Hao, president of Ye Group, and his daughter Ye Zixi were attacked at the Sha City Airport. Ye Hao was shot twice. It is unknown whether he is alive or not.

---- It's said that the one shooting is Ye Hao's ex-wife Han Xue.

---- According to witnesses, Han Xue has been wandering around the airport for three hours, waiting to shoot.

---- A bloody incident caused by the hatred incurred by a marriage in a rich family.

In less than an hour, special column had been created on news websites with pieces of news updating one by one, followed by thousands of comments from netizens.

"My God, is Han Xue mad?"

"I am more concerned about who will inherit Ye Group if Ye Hao dies?"