Had You Ever Thought Of Visiting That Woman

When one side of the quilt was lifted, Lin Ziya moved her body, directly into the man's arms, resting her head on his strong arm.

This man was hers now, hers for the rest of life.

"Jiahang..." Lin Ziya called to her husband beside her, in a soft and sweet voice.

Chen Jiahang patted his wife on the shoulder and said, "Go to sleep, it's already eleven o'clock."

Lin Ziya, however, couldn't fall asleep. She really wanted to ask him something, which tortured her greatly if she kept that in herself.

She bit her lip. After hesitating for a while, she still asked.

"Jiahang, have you ever thought of going to see that woman... I mean... He Xiyan?"

When speaking out that name, Lin Ziya felt a sudden tense in her heart, and her breathing became heavier as well.

She looked at Jiahang, intending to catch his mood change at the moment. She also wanted to know what kind of position that woman enjoyed in his heart now.