Mom Was Sure To Have You In Heart

The dress looked graceful, making the one wearing it even more beautiful.

Ye Hao also thought this dress looked pretty, though his idea of beauty was just ordinary.

"Do you think it really suits your mom?" Ye Hao felt somewhat doubtful, because he remembered that Yanyan had never worn such clothes before.

Besides, this dress seemed to be suitable for girls of about 20 years old.

"Of course it fits." Xixi nudged his father a little, saying, "Well, dad, just take it."

Xixi simply wanted her dad to buy clothes for her mom so that once her mom wore it, she would be reminded of her dad.

She was actually helping her dad win back her mom's heart.

Without even asking the price, he simply got his card for the shop assistant to swipe. 

After a while, two of them got a shopping cart full of things, including clothes, bags, shoes and caps, among which one piece of clothing, one pair of shoes and a bag were for He Xiyan.